2014년 2월 10일 월요일


E-Cool's information Coming soon

How to use Pepbu:w

How to use Pepbu:w

1.  Fraxel/ IPL/Toning + Pepbu:w
After Fraxel, IPL or Nd yag laser
apply 2.5m of Pepbu:w and penetrate it with Cryo-Electroporation.
It reduce febrile reaction and PIH risk and accelerate skin regeneration

2. Mesotherapy + Pepbu:w
Make micro holes on the skin with  Auto stamp needle(Tri-M) and apply Pepbu:w
3. Whintening & Lifting
Apply Pepbu:w and absorb it with Cryo-electroporation
4. Alopeica Treatment
Stimulate Scalp with MTS and apply Pepbu:w    

* Precautions *
 1. Store it in the Refrigerator (Expiry date :2 years)
 2. Once you open the cap, please use it within 1 week.
 3. Do not use it, if you observe red spots on your face.
 4. Do not use it for sensitive skin and acne skin.

2014년 2월 6일 목요일

How to use D-Cam

  How to use D-cam (Skin Diagnosis)

Here's a brief example of how to use D-cam

<Skin> Diagnosis
Moisture / Elasticity / Pore / Wrinkle / Sebum / Pigmentation
Click ‘SD’ to start skin diagnosis.

 ◈  Individual Diagnosis  ◈
Select certain test among pore, wrinkle, pigment, sebum, moisture / elasticity and diagnose separately.

◈  Integrated Diagnosis
Diagnose every  part of pore, wrinkle, pigment, sebum, moisture / elasticity step by step.

Individual Diagnosis
Click ‘Individual Diagnosis’

 <Pore> diagnosis 

 1) Click ‘Pore’ to measure pore condition.

 2) put camera on the skin and click ‘shot’

  ** Click <Shot> to re-take a photo.  
The test value will be shown automatically
at the bottom of left.
Manual measurement

 ** Click pore part colored with green.
 you can see the measured value of the part. 

<Pore> Diagnosis result

3) Click ‘Result’ button.
<Do you want to save the test result?>

4) Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

5) Move to result page.

***  Once you have finished diagnosis for Moisture / Elasticity / Pore / Wrinkle / Sebum / Pigmentation, you can see the overall result ***

◈  Result page
Result 1
-Skin age(Optional)
-Result graph
- intensive skincare zone,
** Touch the screen with a finger and drag
upward to move to the next page
Drag downward to Move back to the preceding page.

Result 2 :
- Skin type and description

Result 3
-Compare the customer’s skin with
  standard (ideal) skin image.
- Skin status simulation
  Current status: current skin condition.
  Without treatment: If the skin is left untreated,
  the skin condition may worsen than its current

How to use D-cam (Hair Diagnosis)

HD Diagnosis

Diagnose Scalp Type / Hair Density / Sebum / Hair Loss /
Hair Damage / Hair Thickness

Put the camera on your scalp and take a photo

to measure.

◈  Individual Diagnosis

Select certain test item and diagnose separately.

1) Click ‘Scalp type’ to diagnose scalp type.

2) Put camera on scalp and take a photo by clicking ‘shot’.

** ** Click <Shot> to re-take a photo.

3) Click ‘compare’ and select similar sample.

4) Click ‘OK’ and ‘Result’ to go to result page. 

<Sebum> Diagnosis

1) Click ‘Sebum,’ to diagnose Sebum.

2) Put camera on scalp and take a photo
by clicking ‘shot’.

** Click <Shot> to re-take a photo.
the test value will be shown automatically
at the bottom of left.

3) Click ‘Result’ to go to result page.

Integrated Diagnosis

1) Select the most similar type of when you see
   the scalp at top position.

2) Click ‘Next’.

3) Put camera on hair and take a    
    photo by clicking ‘shot’.

** ** Click <Shot> to re-take a photo.

4) Click ‘compare’ and select similar sample.

5) Click ‘OK’ and ‘Next’.

Hair Thickness uses the image of Hair Damage.

1) If you want to re-take a photo, Put camera on scalp and take a photo by clicking ‘shot’.

2) Drag a hair and check thickness.

3) Click ‘Result’.

<Do you want to save the test result?>

4) Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’Move to result page.

***  Once you have finished diagnosis for Scalp Type / Hair Density / Sebum / Hair Loss /Hair Damage / Hair Thickness you can see the overall result ***

◈  Result page

Result 1
- Result graph
- intensive skincare zone,

Result 2 :
- Result of each test

Result 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

- Specific description of  each result


D-Cam (Skin Analyzer)

Main Function

- Accurate Diagnosis skin / Automatic Skin and Hair Analysis
- Automatic Recommendation of Product and Service


Handy size :  Same as a camera size compared to the existing skin analyzer
Wi-Fi function : Available to transfer the image and data to computer through Wi-Fi
Easy to use : (Touch screen) Very easy to operate program with finger
Mobile solution : Very compact and light embedded computer system
Embedded Sensor : Equipped with “Moisture” and “Elasticity” sensor inside the body
Integrated with “Skin” & “Hair” Diagnosis : Built in skin and hair diagnosis system
Easy to back-up data : Data back-up is possible with USB or mini-SD card